Conference animated by : - Céline Frochot, LRGP (UMR CNRS and University of Lorraine), Nancy - Serge Mordon, Former director of the INSERM Onco-Thai unit, Lille From October 24 to…

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AVRIL group innovation seminar at the UL

The AVRIL group organized an innovation seminar at the ENSIC on September 28th. The main innovation managers of the group were present in order to present the strong links existing…

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AVRIL group innovation seminar at the UL

The AVRIL group organized an innovation seminar at the ENSIC on September 28th. The main innovation managers of the group were present in order to present the strong links existing…

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Meetings “NANCY 2022- Glass or the fusion between arts and sciences” programmed by ALORAF in partnership with the Lorraine Academy of Sciences, on September 17 and 18 at the Nancy Chamber of Commerce

With the participation of Marie-Odile Simonnot - director of the EMPP cluster, professor in Process Engineering at the EEIGM and researcher at the LRGP for a conference entitled: "The recovery…

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Frédérique Battin-Leclerc received the Polanyi Medal

On September 1, 2022, Frédérique Battin-Leclerc (LRGP) received the Polanyi Medal, named in honor of Michal Polanyi. This biennial prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry has been awarded since…

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The ISE Young Researcher Prize was awarded to Emmanuel Mousset, researcher at the Reactions and Process Engineering Laboratory (LRGP)

Emmanuel Mousset has received the "Young Researcher in Electrochemistry" award from the Electrochemistry subdivision of the Société Chimique de France (SCF) and the French Section of the International Society of…

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MBP’2022, 1st International Conference on Metal-Binding Peptides

International Conference on Metal-Binding Peptides: Methodologies and Applications, 1st International Conference on Metal-Binding Peptides will be held in Nancy from July 5 to 8, 2022. Organized by Laetitia Canabady-Rochelle -…

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