Inauguration of the SAGID+ Chair

The multi-partner "SAGID+" Chair was inaugurated on Thursday November 9 at the headquarters of the ACTIBAC group (NOREMAT, ACCOPILOT, MANEKO) in Ludres, in the presence of Hélène Boulanger, President of…

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As part of the Industrie Digitale Connecté (INDICO) project, ENSGSI has developed a tool for creating augmented and virtual reality training. The aim of this tool is to enable teachers to create AR and/or VR teaching scenarios without any IT development.

The current use case is learning how to use the laser cutting machines used in mechanical engineering courses at ENSGSI. During the year 2022-2023, 80 people took part in the…

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Innovating with citizens at the Foire Expo in Nancy

The Université de Lorraine will be present at the Foire Expo in Nancy from 27 May to 4 June 2023, with a stand where the general public can discover and…

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Responsible Campus Awards

On Thursday 6 April, the French-speaking Responsible Campuses Awards Ceremony took place, organised by Utopies, a sustainable development strategy consultancy for the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in the presence of…

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Innovation in higher education: the (very) practical case of fablabs

By Clémence Kerdaffrec Fablabs, for fabrication laboratory, are multiplying in higher education institutions. In a customized setting, they experiment with new ways of learning and creating. Campus Matin set out…

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Visit the LF2L and Care Grand Est innovation spaces

Visit the innovation spaces and discover LF2L, Care Grand Est and their start-ups! Duration of the visit: 1 hour. LF2L The Lorraine Fab Living Lab® (LF2L®), an ERPI team, helps…

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Augmented Reality applied to educational innovation

  The ENSGSI has realized with students of the IUT Charlemagne a proof of concept of an educational tool in augmented and virtual reality. The impact on learning is currently…

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Local plastic recycling and social manufacturing: the Green FabLab technology mix to strengthen the innovation potential of SMEs and the territory

Environmental challenges call for a rethinking of our consumption and production patterns. Technological development offers opportunities to transform manufacturing processes and contribute to generating positive impacts for our ecosystems. Based…

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IEEE ICE Conference – IAMOT 2022

Join us at the IEEE ICE - IAMOT 2022 Conference In 2022, for the first time, the ICE/ITMC and IAMOT Technology, Engineering, and Innovation Management communities are pooling their energy…

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