[Online Conference] Energy Game Changers 2022

"ENERGY GAME CHANGERS 2022, the current energy situation and the importance of an informed society" will be held in English. The final conference of the SMAGRINET project, it will take…

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[video] Hydrogen, the molecule of the future

Parmi toutes les problématiques liées à la transition énergétique, celle de la mobilité est l'une des plus cruciales. Dans ce cadre, le pôle scientifique EMPP orchestre un vaste programme de…

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ERPI – 48 hours to revive dormant patents

Within the framework of the Orion PIA project, ENSGSI and ERPI in association with the PeeL and the Incubateur Lorrain, organize the challenge: "48 hours to revive dormant patents". From…

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ERPI – Developing partnerships with research

Michel Fick, Vice-President in charge of socio-economic partnerships and territorial development Research laboratories maintain relationships with various partners: companies, associations or communities. To increase this type of partnership, the university…

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