5 questions to Nadia Mabrouk, PhD student specializing in rheology of solids
As part of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we asked Nadia to explain her background and work to young women, and to inspire them to explore…
As part of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we asked Nadia to explain her background and work to young women, and to inspire them to explore…
As part of our collaboration with CEA IRESNE, we welcome - on February 27 and 28, 2025 - a delegation to visit our facilities dedicated to nuclear studies and discuss…
Pedro Reszka, associate professor in Chile, was welcomed for 1 month by the Feux team. He was delighted to answer our questions! 1/ Can you tell us a little about…
Led by CNRS, the UPGRADE project has been selected for funding under the MSCA Staff Exchanges, Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie call for projects, which aims to encourage the mobility of researchers…
We were delighted to welcome Antoine Petit, President and CEO of CNRS, to LEMTA, during his visit to Nancy - on Friday January 17, 2025 - for the signing of…
On Wednesday January 15, 2025, the Communauté d'Agglomération d'Epinal and the ICN Buisness School in Nancy organized a day of exchange in the presence of some thirty business leaders and…
NEEXT Engineering and Société d'Accélération du Transfert de Technologie (SATT) Sayens announce the signature of an exclusive worldwide licensing agreement. Concluded on November 14, this agreement, covering all territories and…
Silvia Lasala, senior lecturer and researcher at the Laboratoire réactions et génie des procédés (LRGP) and the École nationale supérieure des industries chimiques (ENSIC) has joined the Académie des Technologies'…
Elucidating the pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of peptides derived from milk protein hydrolysis: finding the target to build a rapid screening system. Samina AKBAR (Calbinotox) One aspect of Calbinotox's research…
ConsensUs project - Towards shared decision-making tools for socio-environmental transitions, by Manon ENJOLRAS (ERPI) The transition to a new model of society, in balance with the environment, implies radical changes…