[General public] The LEMTA invites itself to the Jardin éphémère in Nancy!
The theme of the 19th edition of the Jardin éphémère de Nancy is "Le Feu effleure", and the Feux team couldn't fail to be part of it! Anthony Collin and…
The theme of the 19th edition of the Jardin éphémère de Nancy is "Le Feu effleure", and the Feux team couldn't fail to be part of it! Anthony Collin and…
The AVRIL group organized an innovation seminar at the ENSIC on September 28th. The main innovation managers of the group were present in order to present the strong links existing…
The AVRIL group organized an innovation seminar at the ENSIC on September 28th. The main innovation managers of the group were present in order to present the strong links existing…
As part of the Research Week organized by the University of Lorraine, we interviewed Alice to explain to students her background and research, and to inspire them to explore this…
Visit the innovation spaces and discover LF2L, Care Grand Est and their start-ups! Duration of the visit: 1 hour. LF2L The Lorraine Fab Living Lab® (LF2L®), an ERPI team, helps…
Conferences | L'Astrolabe : sentinel of the climate in the Southern Ocean During these two one-hour lectures, Yvan Dossmann - (Powder Flow and Suspension team), will present the SURVOSTRAL oceanographic…
In echoes of the 19th edition of the Jardin Ephémère at Place Stanislas in Nancy, this year on the theme of "fire", Sciences en Lumière proposes an evening "Fire: its…
Fabrice Lemoine, LEMTA, "Transfers in Fluids" team, has been elected the new vice president in charge of Europe strategy at the University of Lorraine. Factuel went to meet him to…
Student of the Lycée Henri Poincaré in Nancy, he joined the ENSIC in 1969 and became member of the class of 72. He began his thesis under the direction of…
With the participation of Marie-Odile Simonnot - director of the EMPP cluster, professor in Process Engineering at the EEIGM and researcher at the LRGP for a conference entitled: "The recovery…