EMPP’s research themes are:

  • energies: hydrogen, smart grids, biomass, combustion, pyrolysis, building energy, energy efficiency, fatal heat;
  • industrial engineering: innovation; ideation;
  • process and product engineering: physico-chemical and biological processes, intensified processes, processes for the environment, for safety, formulation, development of products with controlled use properties, polymers, biomolecules, bioeconomy, recycling, environmental assessment;
  • wood material: construction, treatment, biomolecules;
  • mechanics: construction, fluids, porous media.

The purpose of the research concerns major societal issues, in particular:

  • energy and energy transition, clean mobility,
  • the industry of the future,
  • circular economy, waste recovery and recycling,
  • ecological transition, processes concerning water, air and soil quality,
  • bioeconomy and biomolecules,
  • process safety.

The laboratories (ERPI, GREEN, LCPM, LEMTA, LERMAB, LRGP) determine their own scientific objectives and meet around federative scientific projects and the pooling of analytical and technical resources.

The EMPP research department participates in LabEx ARBRE and LabEx Ressources 21, and is very present in IMPACT LUE projects: Hydrogen (ULHyS), Biomolecules and Nanomaterials (N4S). Some aboratories are involved in the construction of the TIGA project “Des Hommes et des Arbres. Les racines de demain” (Tomorrow’s roots) carried by the metropolis of Grand Nancy. It benefits from numerous research partnerships at the local (e.g. other clusters of the University of Lorraine, universities of the Grand Est, Institut Carnot ICEEL), national (numerous laboratories, EPST and EPIC) and international levels as well as numerous industrial partnerships. Several of its laboratories rely on different transfer structures: PROGEPICRITT BoisCETELOR. The cluster can also rely on competitiveness clusters: HydreosFibres-EnergivieMateraliaAxelera and IAR. Finally, the Jacques Villermaux Federation (FJV) promotes transversal animation between the laboratories of EMPP.