Protein biorefinery: extraction and characterization of biomolecules from agroresources
Site platform Life Sciences and Health, SVS.
This platform is above all dedicated to research and the materials present are primarily intended for scientific collaborations with possibilities of services.
Research team “Bioprocesses Biomolecules”
The LRGP has a technical platform dedicated to the extraction, purification, separation and characterization of biomolecules in complex mixtures, from agroressources, fish farming, frog farming co-products or bio-reactions by micro-organisms or enzymes.
The targeted biomolecules are essentially proteins, peptides, osidic polymers, phenolic compounds or enzymes.
Volumes range from laboratory scale (10 mL) to pilot scale (20 L).
The operations implement membrane, chromatographic, concentration and drying processes.
It is associated with an analytical platform including a large number of separation devices (UPLC, GFC, GC, EC, TLC) coupled with a wide range of detectors (photometric, mass…).
An analytical part (UPLC fractionation, Maldi-TOFTOF) is also present on the Structural and Metabolomic Analysis Platform of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Agroalimentaires (ENSAIA/PASM).
Tangential ultrafiltration and freeze-drying equipment.