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You are currently viewing GREEN – Electrical sciences at the heart of major societal issues

Developing electrical and electronic technologies, mastering applications, ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply, innovating and being creative are some of the challenges that the members of Laboratoire GREEN are called upon to meet.

18 professors-researchers, 3 associate researchers, 7 administrative and technical staff, and about 20 PhD and post-doctoral students make up the research team, which is nationally recognized as the most important university team specialized in superconductivity. Since its creation, the laboratory has developed know-how and skills through its various platforms and prototypes. The results of this research have been acquired and continue to evolve through strong industrial and academic partnerships.

It was in the 1970s that Edmond J. Gudefin, professor of electrical engineering at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Électricité et de Mécanique (ENSEM) in Nancy, introduced the development of design research by and for electrical engineering. Father of
of electrical engineering in Eastern France, he gathered the research activities around electromagnetism and electrical engineering on the same platform to constitute the “Groupe de Recherche en Energie Electrique de Nancy” (GREEN). This team has progressively expanded as the power electronics market has grown. A specialist in this field, Michel Abignoli, also a professor at ENSEM and a member of the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, joined this laboratory at the end of the 1970s and became interested in electrical energy management systems.

GREEN is now a research laboratory of the Energy, Mechanics, Processes, Products (EMPP) scientific pole of the University of Lorraine. Its premises are located on three geographical sites: the Science campus, the Brabois Engineering campus and the Henri Poincaré IUT site in Longwy. It is also part of the Carnot Institute ICEEL and the Research Federation “Jacques Villermaux for Mechanics, Energy and Processes”.

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