10 years of research in energy and sustainable building at Longwy

À l'occasion des 10 ans de la création de l’Antenne de recherche en énergétique et bâtiment durable à Longwy, Factuel a rencontré Mohammed El Ganaoui, enseignant à l'IUT de Longwy…

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Thesis Award 2020] Mahdi Mubarok – Doctoral School SIMPPé

A l'occasion de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes des docteurs 2020, qui aura lieu le vendredi 22 janvier 2021 exceptionnellement en ligne, découvrez les travaux de recherche des 8…

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The Carnot Institutes and transfer: decarbonizing energy systems in France
Hydrogen Storage In Renewable Energy

The Carnot Institutes and transfer: decarbonizing energy systems in France

"French and European energy systems still consume a large majority of carbonaceous fossil resources, while the share of renewable energies will reach 10% on average in 2019," assures Florence Lefebvre-Joud,…

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LEMTA – Hydrogen on rails

Involved in the research and development of hydrogen fuel cells, Gaël Maranzana, researcher at the University of Lorraine, within the LEMTA (UL-CNRS) takes stock of future hydrogen trains. For more…

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LERMaB – Forests, a natural resource

Stéphane Dumarçay presents "Forests, a natural resource" on the JT 19/20 Lorraine television news on November 26, 2020.

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