EMPP 2020 Science Cluster Activity Report
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Within the framework of the Orion PIA project, ENSGSI and ERPI in association with the PeeL and the Incubateur Lorrain, organize the challenge: "48 hours to revive dormant patents". From…
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The film has been uploaded on the UL video server and we are pleased to communicate you the address to have it: http://videos.univ-lorraine.fr/index.php?act=view&id=15180
...Spreads, compotes and pancakes... For the moment, EntoInnov produces a hundred kilos of worms per month. This offers a collaboration with the Laboratory Reactions and Process Engineering (LRGP) of the…
Today, the challenges of the circular economy have become unavoidable for manufacturers who produce or use plastic products. Ecodesign with the consideration of end-of-life is an important parameter in the…
"The world production of plastic reaches nearly 400 million tons. Despite their qualities, plastics generate a huge amount of waste that is harmful to the environment," says Sandrine Hopp, a…
Scientists from Lorraine need 10,000 cell phones to develop a process for recovering all the metals, precious or not, contained in electronic cards. A virtuous process for the environment that…
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Researchers need 10,000 cell phones Don't leave your old cell phones sleeping in your drawers and donate them to science. Some researchers in Lorraine have a pressing need to develop…