International Hydrogen Summer School Nancy

LEMTA is organising the 2023 edition of the FCLAB International Hydrogen Summer School Nancy. The theme will be "Perspectives on hydrogen energy from production to applications" in the context of…

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HY2CAR, the vehicle of tomorrow in the test phase

Since 2014, under the impetus of Stéphane Raël, François Lapicque, Laurent Falk and Caroline Bonnet, who is leading the project, 25 teacher-researchers from 6 laboratories at the University of Lorraine…

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Innovation in higher education: the (very) practical case of fablabs

By Clémence Kerdaffrec Fablabs, for fabrication laboratory, are multiplying in higher education institutions. In a customized setting, they experiment with new ways of learning and creating. Campus Matin set out…

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#8march – Women in research, Isabelle ZIEGLER DEVIN [5/8]

Isabelle Ziegler-Devin is a lecturer at LERMAB and a professor at ENSIC. Her research focuses on the chemical valorisation of biomass and the development of innovative pretreatment processes. She aims…

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[New book] Thermodynamics of Heat Engines

New in the Encyclopédie SCIENCES: Energy domain directed by Alain Dollet - CNRS research director at the PROMES laboratory and Pascal Brault - CNRS research director at GREMI. The theme…

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Portraits of Carnot Icéel researchers: focus on Julia Mainka

On the occasion of the International Day of the Fight for Women's Rights, Carnot Icéel presents 5 portraits of women researchers, including Julia Mainka, head of the Hydrogen and Electrochemical…

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When polymers penetrate our body to heal it

Since their discovery a century ago, polymers have taken a considerable place in our society. Our daily lives are intimately associated with them. We know them mainly as materials for…

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