Research team PErSeVAL

The core of the activity is based on the characterization, study of pollutant transport and treatment by physical, chemical, physico-chemical and/or biological means of gaseous effluents and solid and liquid aerosols, contaminated soils and wastewater. By combining experimental studies, modelling and numerical simulations, the objective is to respond to scientific problems and industrial issues related to environmental protection. In order to better understand the phenomena involved and to evaluate the performance of the processes studied while analyzing the associated risks, expertise has been developed around a set of tools and complementary equipment to characterize solids (e.g. laser granulometer, BET, mercury porosimeter, PIV, SEM-EDX, helium pycnometer, CHONS-Cl) and organic and inorganic compounds contained in liquid matrices (liquid chromatography (HPLC coupled to UV/DAD, fluorescence, conductivity, MS, MS/MS) gas chromatography (e.g. GC coupled to FID, MS), ICP coupled with AES or MS), whose target compounds could be extracted from a solid matrix and/or previously concentrated (freeze-dryer, ASE, acid & alkaline fusion mineralizers, SPE, rotary evaporator, etc.).
Some equipments are more specific to air, soil and water treatment applications:
Aerosol filtration
Adsorption of gases and vapours
Metrology and treatment
- Air: two instrumented benches EOLE I and II for the study of the filtration of liquid or solid aerosols and a MEFIANCE test bench (Measurement of Filter Efficiency with respect to Charged or Electrically Neutral Nanometric Aerosols) dedicated to the study of the filtration of nanometric particles.
close collaboration with other laboratories in the EMPP research department (LEMTA, LERMAB) but also with others (e.g.M4).

Textural characterization equipment (porosity, specific surface):
(above) “Tristar” model from Micromeritics (to measure classical nitrogen isotherms at 77 K)
and (on the right) the “3Flex” model from Micromeritics (also to measure isotherms of nitrogen at 77 K but also of water and other gases (e.g. CO2) and corrosive vapors (toluene) at T ≥ 0°C).

Physico-chemical treatments
Oxidation and reduction
Transport of pollutants in soils
Soil characterization
- Soils: a column test bench and a laboratory mini-lysimeter is available for pollutant transport studies. Treatment by oxidation, reduction or washing can be carried out using a glove box, a stirring table in a thermostatically controlled chamber and glass reactors. Access to the equipment of the experimental station located in Homécourt within the framework of the GISFI, with in particular 24 instrumented and buried 2 m3 lysimeters, and plots for the implementation of treatments on a field scale.
partnership with the LSE, LIEC and Géoressources laboratories (OTELo research department) within the framework of GISFI.

Lysimeters from laboratory to field scale.
Vegetated rejection zones
Biological, photocatalytic and electrochemical processes
- Water: an instrumented bench combining (or not) nanofiltration and electrolysers (with or without advanced oxidation/reduction) connected to a multi-potentiostat, an electrodialysis reactor (hybrid processes of ionic exchange-electrolysis), a photocatalysis reactor with immobilization of the photocatalyst. Access to equipment such as aquatic and aerial drones is made possible via the ZAM network, in particular in the context of work carried out on vegetated discharge zones (ZRV).
partnership with the LCPME (CPM department) and LIEC (OTELo department) laboratories within the framework of the workshop Area of the Moselle river, ZAM.

Physico-chemical processes for water treatment:
(above) instrumented nanofiltration/electrolysis bench connected to a multipotentiostat,
(left) electrodialysis reactor (IEX-EDMB pilot),
(right) Photocatalysis reactor with immobilized photocatalyst.