Spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
NMR platform site of the Institute Jean Barriol (Faculty of Science and Technology) and LEMTA
ENSIC LCPM, site Grandville, Nancy
This platform is above all dedicated to research and the materials present are primarily intended for scientific collaborations with possibilities of services.
Scientific operation "MRI for engineering"
NMR spectrometry for structural characterization
Porous media
Complex fluids
RF antennas
The activity of this platform is based on the application of NMR & MRI methods in engineering sciences.
The range of know-how is wide, from the development of radio frequency antennas to the measurement of velocities and transport properties and the design of devices adapted to NMR measurement, including the creation of NMR sequences adapted for the structural identification of complex molecules and macromolecules.
Thanks to a set of NMR and MRI devices, it is possible to study the rheology of complex fluids, transfer phenomena or flows in porous media.
In addition, liquid-phase NMR spectrometry is used to characterize the structure and purity of organic molecules and macromolecules, to highlight supramolecular self-assembly phenomena and to monitor reaction kinetics.
This platform being transversal, we collaborate closely with other laboratories of the cluster (LERMAB, LRGP) but also with other research departments (BMS, A2F).