Analytical platform (ENSIC, ENSAIA and SVS sites) of the LRGP
Experimental platform for the chemical characterization of wood and biomass ( FST site) of the LERMaB
These platforms are above all dedicated to research and the materials present are primarily intended for scientific collaborations with possibilities of services.
coordination and competence team of the analytical means
![logo du LRGP](
The LRGP laboratory is equipped with an important analytical park covering many fields of chemical and/or biological analysis.
Elemental, physical, thermal, spectroscopic, chromatographic and imaging analysis.
The equipment allows the analysis of many molecules ranging from a few ppb to % depending on the molecules and matrices studied.
They are associated with sample preparation devices (microwave, ESA, SPE…).
Elemental analysis apparatus ICP-MS and chromatography apparatus HPLC-MS and GC-MS.
BET particle size analyzers, laser
and Raman spectroscopy instruments.
Experimental platform for the chemical characterization of wood and biomass
![logo du LERMAB](
LERMAB uses a wide range of equipment for the chemical characterization of wood, i.e. the determination of its composition in macromolecules and extractives as well as the evaluation of the properties of these compounds with a view to their valorization.
The laboratory has the expertise and numerous devices for sampling, pre-treatment, fractionation, extraction, purification and identification of biomolecules from ligno-cellulosic biomass.
Extraction of molecules:
– in particular by ASE Dionex, rapid extractions under subcritical conditions with ecologically acceptable solvents.
– removal of solvents by an atomizer for the rapid production of dry extracts in large quantities (several tens of grams) while preserving their integrity
Liquid chromatography:
– 1 analytical/semi-preparative HPLC-DAD-ELS chain: reverse phase separation, determination of extractables in aqueous solution, polar or non-polar organic solution as well as mono- and disaccharides in normal phase.
– 1 UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS chain: identification, determination of extractables in aqueous phase, polar or non-polar organic phase and detection/fragmentation without molar mass limit (m/z up to 2000)
– 2 analytical SEC/GPC-UV-RI chains + fraction collector: polymer determinations, characterization of tannins and oligo-, polysaccharides
– 3 chains LC Flash/ HPLC-Preparative: fractionation, purification, isolation of molecules in large quantities for further structural characterization and/or testing of antifungal, antioxidant properties, etc…
– 1 analytical HPLC-PDA-RI chain for the determination of monosaccharides on ion exchange phase
Gas chromatography:
– 1 (HeadSpace-)GC-MS coupling: analysis, identification, determination of VOCs in aqueous liquid phase, extractable “volatile” with or without derivation
– 1 thermodesorber- and pyrolyser flash-GC-MS coupling: analysis, identification, determination of VOCs in solid phase and flash depolymerization products of a material